Torfaen Strategic Economic Forum

Torfaen Strategic Economic Forum was established in 2018 to drive economic development within the borough of Torfaen. The purpose is to create and optimise sustainable economic activity in the local area to positively influence social well-being and generate long term prosperity throughout the Borough.

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About Torfaen

In 2021 the Board of Directors incorporated a company limited by guarantee to ensure the needs of members are met whilst also creating an entity capable of delivering positive programs of work across Torfaen. We are a group of leaders from organisations from across many sectors and locations in Torfaen who believe in the purpose and that through collaboration with each other and our stakeholders we can create a place which is wealthier, can provide a better quality of life and offer better opportunities to residents.

According to Torfaen currently sits 13th in Wales when it comes to GDP but suffers the 4th highest unemployment rate. Adding to the complexity Torfaen has a higher than average salary across Wales. Consequently there are some real issues which have not been overcome with existing policies but also some real opportunities to improve the lives of people in Torfaen. Using data driven objectives will enable us to target and measure progress of our work whilst we work collaboratively with local, regional and national governments for collective benefit.

What is TSEF?

Torfaen Strategic Economic Forum (TSEF) was established in 2018 to drive economic development within the borough of Torfaen. The purpose is to create and optimise sustainable economic activity in the local area to positively influence social well-being and generate long term prosperity throughout the Borough. In 2021 the Board of Directors incorporated a company limited by guarantee to ensure the needs of members are met whilst also creating an entity capable of delivering positive programs of work across Torfaen. 

We are a group of leaders from organisations from across many sectors and locations in Torfaen who believe in the purpose and that through collaboration with each other and our stakeholders we can create a place which is wealthier, can provide a better quality of life and offer better opportunities to residents. 

Our Services


Using data driven objectives will enable us to target and measure progress of our work whilst we work collaboratively with local, regional and national governments for collective benefit. We’re already engaging with Coleg Gwent by providing students with a real-life scenario to inspire and develop their skills, and we’re continuing our work with local businesses to help them find and sustain high quality employees.


The aim of the Forum is to create new business opportunities in the area by helping to improve the social well-being of the community and generate long term prosperity. Created to encourage inward investment into the area too, it intends to help businesses grow and bring more career and employment options for people living in Torfaen. 


Through the board’s links, businesses in Torfaen will have more opportunities to collaborate with local council officials and government representatives (both in Wales and Westminster) to provide and support individuals with the opportunities to enhance skills and secure employment. It is a fact that Torfaen needs more people in work, and more people enhancing their skills to further their

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